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The Whisper

Back in April when I was first deciding on this trip, I remember the Lord saying go. I’m not sure exactly when it was or even what exactly He was telling me to do, but I know that there was a distinct voice telling me to go. And it wasn’t a loud voice or a big clear sign, but more of a whisper. At the time, I didn’t understand where the Lord was asking me to go or what exactly He wanted me to do but somewhere along the way His soft whisper spoke louder than all the other voices I was hearing. This week I’ve been thinking a lot about that whisper. Sometimes I look back and have to wonder how I got here. Like what was it that told me to take a year off of school, pack up, and spend time with different people, in different countries around the world? It’s so hard to explain. I just praise God for knowing the way to my heart, and knowing the direction I should go much better than I do.

 Proverbs 16:9 says “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps”. A few months ago I had a couple different plans about what I be would doing this semester. And honestly for a while this was not one of them. I thought I would be in nursing school or possibly changing my major, or maybe even transferring schools. But the Lord knew that I was meant to be in Honduras during the months of September, October, and November of 2012, and literally there is no place I would rather be. Over this past month and a half there have been times where I have had to cling hard to the whisper. I’ve had to choose to believe that this really is where I’m supposed to be and not somewhere else. Because in all reality the Lord gives us a choice to believe in his truth. Last week our squad spent Saturday afternoon doing ministry in the center plaza right outside of Tegucigalpa. We did what we like to call ATL, which is “Ask The Lord”. We woke up that morning and asked the Lord for a word or a picture and then went to the plaza to be able to minister to the people there with whatever the Lord had given us. I heard the Lord say that morning, “You will know when you see it.” So I went to the plaza with an open mind and and an open heart just waiting for what the Lord brought to me. Never have I seen so much brokenness in one place before that day. There was a 19 year old boy who still wore diapers and was sleeping in a cardboard box, a man that had so many physical injuries that all he could do was lay down while we prayed for him, prostitutes on the corner, and plenty of drunk people walking around just trying to find some money or food. And all these people the Lord lead to me and some of my teammates to pray for. I just felt helpless.  The only thing I had to offer these people was prayer and I had to trust that the Lord would give them what they needed. 

It’s times like these when I found myself having to truly trust in that whisper that was telling me that Jesus was still going to use me even though i didn’t see it at all. Sometimes, as my squad leader Ashley says, we have to believe things unto faith. Meaning that in those tough moments when you feel useless or are doubting if you are where you are supposed to be, you have the choice to actively believe that it is true. Even though it doesn’t feel true right in that moment you can believe unto faith that the Lord is going to do what he said he would do in his timing. He promises that He will complete any good work He starts in us and also that He will heal the sick and broken. So in that moment in the plaza when I started to doubt whether the Lord really wanted to use me or not, the Lord whispered to my heart again telling me that just as He was sovereign to bring to me to Honduras, He is still the same God and He is sovereign over every person I prayed for.

I share this with you to encourage you to listen to the Lord’s whisper. You might be in a position in your life right now where you hear a lot of different voices telling you what you want, where you should go, or what you should do. I encourage you to be still. The Lord has already promised you that He holds your plans in His hands. Believe unto faith that the Lord will catch you when you step out. 

2 Timothy 1:9: 
“He has saved us and called us with a holy calling,  not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.” 

The fact that we woke up this morning means that the Lord still has a purpose for us. He’s had a specific calling for your life since before time began, and the best part is that there 
is nothing you have to do to deserve it. Because of the unending grace and love He has for he has nothing but good planned out for you, and there is nothing you can do to earn it. Even though things may get dark or heavy we as God’s kids can believe unto faith that the Lord works all things together for our good. So I encourage you draw close to the Lords heart and get excited for the places the Lords whisper will take you.Â