
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So recently the Lord has begun to change the picture of my life as I saw it to be. At the end of April I finished up my second year of school at North Georgia College & State University. Ever since high school it has been my desire to pursue nursing as my career. Of course I went back and forth a few times from then to now, but I declared nursing as my major when I got to college with complete peace because I was sure that’s what I needed to do with my life and that is where the Lord could best use me. Well it came time to apply to nursing school at North Georgia College Freshmen year and for months I waited to hear the verdict. When the letter finally came I was informed that I was put on the waiting list along with many applicants. After finding that out I was just like “Okay, God, I’ll just wait another year and finish up some core classes and see if I can make it in next time”. Next time came around and I applied and again anxiously waited for the letter letting me know my standing. Then the letter came a few months ago. I was again informed that I was placed on the waiting list. At this point I was two classes away from completing my required core classes and didn’t really have a plan for what to next. If you know me a little, you probably know that that’s normal because I’m usually not a big planner anyways and more of a go with the flow type of lady. But this time it was a bit different. This time I didn’t even have a hint of what to do next year if I didn’t end up getting excepted into the nursing program, and honestly it was a little scary. I was constantly praying and asking God if nursing was still what He wanted for me, or if North Georgia was where I was supposed to be. Thankfully, through the confusion, the Lord proved to be sovereign. A few weeks after I received the letter, God presented this Immersion trip with Adventures in Mission. Instantly when I read what Immersion was about I felt my heart drawn in. But of course for weeks afterwards I went back and forth about applying, then took weeks to set up an interview, and then after being accepted on the trip I took another few days to commit. It was a time in my life that I dove into prayer more than I ever have. I was so worried about leaving my family for so long, about leaving my friends from home and at school, about leaving my sisters in my sorority. I couldn’t believe the Lord was asking me to take a year off of school; did He want me to stay in college forever? But thankfully through all of that confusion the Lord’s still small voice was the loudest one I heard. And now I am committed to going on this 9 month trip, and I have gotten more support than I deserve. And after saying yes, I was reminded of the passion that God has put in my heart ever since I went to Africa for the first time 3 years ago. That my heart is not fully here in America but in the hearts and lives of the least of these.

So for this next year I plan to daily lay myself aside and chase after the Lords heart only. I have already begun to see that this is a whole new challenge, and daily struggle. So thankfully I am not running off of my own strength, because the Lord knows that I would trip up constantly. As of now, I plan to return and continue pursuing a career as a nurse because I think that God may want to combine these two passions one day. But how do I know what is in store? If it’s one thing that I have learned it is that the Lord is full of surprises and adventures and that makes me excited for whatever is ahead.

A scripture that has recently been on my heart a lot is Acts 17:24-28:

“The God who made the world and everything in it—He is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in shrines made by hands. Neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives everyone life and breath and all things. From one man He has made every nation of men to live all over the earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live, so they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said ‘For we are also His offspring’”.

It is just so cool to me that God orchestrates every event in our lives to lead up to exactly where we are now. He even specifically placed us in the time period we are in for His purposes, that we may be able to seek and find Him right here. It’s just beautiful. It’s so cool that all the right doors closed and opened to lead me to where I need to go, even if I didn’t always see or understand. Thank you Jesus, for having control and not leaving it up to us or up to chance.

Thank you so much for taking the time to hear out my story and for your support and most importantly your prayer. Continue to pray for God to have is way in me and all the members of my team. Pray for the hearts of the people we will encounter. Pray that we are a blessing and bring nothing but love. I love each of you, and pray that the Lord is enriching your life daily.

“Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance” – Psalm 16:5-6